Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Gear list for 3 shoot.

Gear needed for desert shoot.



Boom mic



Baby led

Blue gel

15 feet XLR cable


Air guns/ fake guns.

1 gallon of water.

Wood pallets.

Arizona BLM

My third shoot will take place in a region of Arizona called the "Arizona strip." Within this scene a campfire will take place and looking at the states website I should be okay to have one during this time of year. 

Last night was my first shoot and it went great. I got some good takes with the help of an experienced actor named Shane Wood. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

3rd and final location

This is where the shoot out for my film will take place but at night time. its just below the Utah/Arizona border. About 7 mins out of town.

Scene 3 interview shot list.


Close up of mc rider without helmet to a medium shot from the side showing the rider and the investigators.


Medium over the shoulder shot of investigator 1 talking. 

Medium over the shoulder shot of mc rider talking 

Medium over the shoulder shot of investigator 1 talking. 

Medium over the shoulder shot of mc rider talking 

Wide shot of marshall throwing open the door from inside and him talking to investigators.

Close up of marshall looking through papers.

Wide shot from the side of marshall talking to mc rider.

Go Pro/security cam shot from room corner. 

Over the shoulder shots of marshall and mc rider conversing.

Wide shot marshall getting up and leaving 

Medium close up of mc rider into a close up of the key left on the table. Mc rider shot forward. 

Scene 2 shot list. The shoot out.

Wide long shot of the drop site with campfire in center.

Close up of background drug runner. 

Medium forward shot of the two drug runners, shot from the side.

Pan medium shot of motorcycle coming into the campground. 

Very long shot of possible night vision shot. (if plausible) 


Close up one take of biker’s shoe putting down kickstand followed to meeting drug runner. 


Close up on the hands, feet and heads of the motorcycle rider and the drug runner as the stand in front of each other.  

Medium shot of the background drug runner getting ready. shot from the side. 

Wide forward shot of exchange as the forward drug runner tests the package with the campfire.

Medium shot from behind of the forward drug runner turning around and yelling. 

Medium-close up of biker drawing pistol. Shot from the side.

Long shot of background drug runner firing gun.

Wide shot of forward drug runner jumping out of the way.

medium shot of mc rider shooting back. Shot forward.

Long shot of mc rider getting hit and stumbling down while still firing. Shot from the side.

Long shot of bullet bouncing off rock and hitting package causing explosion

Very long shot of night vision. 

Close up of mc rider trying to start his bike with red and blue strobes flashing. 

Opening shot list

Opening static shots:

Wide pan of motorcycle on top of ridgeline from behind.

Medium shot of mc from the side.

Close ups of the mc.

Static long shot of the mc leaving.

Kinetic shots:

Motorcycle following camera car.

Motorcycle passing camera car. 

Static shots:

Overhead shot from top of hwy overpass coming to and leaving underneath camera to desert dirt road.

campfire scene look book

I really like the hard shadows from the campfire in this scene from "The Grey" (2011). I want my scene to look similar to this one but add some more cooler moon light as a edge light.